Saturday, May 17, 2008

End of First Year feels just like yesterday when we first arrived here...eager to start fresh and go on to become doctors (which at this point is a doubt every one of us has!) but yeah...the year sure did pass by without us even realizing.....i wish the rest of the 5 years pass by as quickly! there was a schedule we had for everyday of every least one thing or the other was due the next day and we used to work late at night to finish it. u guys must be aware of the facebook group "If u start at the last minute, it only takes a minute", so it usually took us only a minute to finish most of the work...only starting it in the first place seemed to be a BIG problem!! we had been living every single day like it meant something (and it truly did...every assignment, lab report etc has the potential to change ur grade!), and before we realized we had passed a year!!
i wont talk about how the exams went...tho i hope for the best!
and yeah...the ever improving doha has shown us a nice time here. every weekend was something to look forward to... i usually dedicated my thursdays to watching movies back to back and sometimes going to the cinemas!
reaaaaly look forward to a pleasant summer break once the MCAT preparation classes are over